
Most people don’t think much about decorum, but in the world we live in, it is a lost art. The Cambridge Dictionary defines decorum as controlled, calm, and polite behavior. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we no longer live in a world that is controlled, calm, or polite. There is a modicum of decorum in certain circumstances, but in general, society has degenerated to baseness. Baseness is the state or quality of being dishonorable, cowardly, selfish, or mean-spirited; morally despicable character.

What in the world draws me to this conclusion? Am I being overly critical of society or holding people to a standard I have no business or expectation of having? I suppose so on some level that is true, but it seems to me that society has degenerated so quickly that many don’t even know what it’s like to maintain a social standard or mores. Allow me to illustrate my point from today.

Today is Thursday, and it’s the day my wife and I spend time together. It so happened that we took the kids to school together, and then I had to take her to get a loaner vehicle as her car needed some repairs. In the line for school drop-off, we were sitting behind a truck, and the license plate said something not worth repeating but having a sexual reference. Our elementary-age children are in a Christian school, mind you. Jen had to look up the reference, and it started a conversation between us talking about how people don’t even hide their depravity anymore.

The second instance happened as we were driving to our destination, and a commercial painting van was driving beside us, it had a sticker on the window that said, “For tailgaters: 1. Either go around or 2. Go to Hell.”  It just so happens that we know this company; they painted our home before we moved to New Mexico, and we found out about the company from the church we attended. If I’m a business owner, I don’t want that on my vehicle, period. But if I’m a Christian business owner I couldn’t imagine allowing such a thing, assuming he knew of it.

The third instance involved a woman’s t-shirt where we went for coffee. It said, “F*$&! that Guy.” The woman was standing there talking with some people at a very upscale type of place as if it was no big deal to wear such a shirt. Of course, it’s not the only time I’ve seen these shirts with gross profanity in plain sight for any children that might walk past. I can only assume she is referring to a former president, or perhaps even a current one, but who knows for sure.

I look around, and I try to view things around me through the lens of a Christian Worldview. Since I’m a Christian we have a standard to live by. We don’t get to say whatever comes to our mind or do whatever we want to do. Paul told the Ephesians to let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths… (Eph. 4:29). To say that society has downgraded is an understatement.

As we left there was a vehicle in the parking lot that had a sticker that said, “I Hope Something Good Happens To You Today.” We drove away and said, that’s a message I can endorse and agree.

As a Christian, I have an opportunity to be different. To stand out as a light in a dark place. I’ll tell you, I’m not always so good at it. But I sure want to try to stand out. Not for my own sake, but for the sake of Christ and the gospel. Lord, help us to offer the hope of salvation in a sin-filled world. A world that no politician is going to save, only the work of Christ.


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